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Sunday, December 31, 2023

5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Freelancer

5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Freelancer

Imagine that you are working in your garden. Fresh ideas emerging from your brain and flow into your work. You are your own boss and you can work at your time.

How will it be if this scenario occurs daily in your life? Well, that would be the best way to work. This imagination can now be true, if you consider being a freelancer. Before you like to be a freelancer, look at the following advantages and disadvantages of freelancing.

Advantage of freelancing

Work for your dreams or you will be hired to fulfill someone else dreams. This is one perfect quote for freelancing. This style of working has got many advantages. Let's have a look at them.

1. Be your own boss

The biggest advantage of freelancing is that, you can be your own boss. It gives you the power to take decisions, experiment various mechanisms and try new ways to improvise your skills. You are responsible for each action you take and each reaction you get from employers.

2. Work at your desired time

When you are freelancing the time is yours. You can work at any time of the day. You can easily balance the work and professional life by managing the time effectively. This power comes with responsibility. If you utilize time effectively, you can do achieve great heights in freelancing. We recommend you to work at a dedicated time of the day.

3. Get dynamic work

Most of the employees are frustrated of doing the same work for a longer time. But freelancing will give you dual benefits. You will do the work you love and get different kinds of work all over the world. This will help you to exercise your brain muscles for more productivity.

4. Work with new people

Freelancers have the opportunity to work with various professionals around the world. This is what makes freelancing an interesting task. You will come to know about different people and their ideas. It will help you to learn new things as well.

5. Independence from Formal Dress code

Skills are more important than dress code. So, while you are freelancing you can work in a casual dress. But, if you are an employee, you need to follow the dress code of the company. This is one more advantage of freelancing.


Every coin has two sides likewise; freelancing has both advantages and disadvantages. The above-mentioned facts are some of the advantages of freelancing. Now, let's cruise through the disadvantages of freelancing.

1. No regular pay-checks

Freelancing is like gambling. Sometimes you make more money and sometimes you won't. You are not assured of getting payment checks every month. They may delay as well. This can spoil the balance of your life. This is one of the major disadvantages of freelancing.

2. Ending up in loneliness

Freelancing can attract loneliness in your life. It may flush an array of negative thoughts and emotions as well. You may not have new friends or many socializing options like your peers do. If you have positive thoughts, this con will just be like a flying dust for you.

3. No pay during sick leaves

What if you are sick? Companies might consider your sick holiday and pay you as well. When you are freelancing, you are not going to get this advantage. That's sad, but true. You will not be able to make any money, when you are sick. It might even delay the task. It is going to be a major disadvantage for you.

4. Long working hours

Freelancing is more like business. The entire business is pillared on reviews. If you get good reviews, you will get more business. Some times to finish the work on time you need to stretch your working hours. The thirst to earn more can also force you to work more than an employee. This might lead to additional stress and affect your health as well.

5. No regular work

Your entire income depends on the quantity of work you get. The workload is not stable and consistent. Some days you might have to work and some days you won't have any work. This might affect your income as well. You can depend on freelancing for making money easily.

Final word

The above-mentioned points are some of the disadvantages and advantages of freelancing. Just use your smartness and find a solution for the disadvantages. Once you are able to manage them, the freelancing industry is the right place for you.


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