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Friday, January 27, 2023

The best Practical Tips You Should Know Before Becoming a Freelancer

 Practical Tips You Should Know Before Becoming a Freelancer

Hiring freelance workers is now accepted all over the world. This is for the simple reason that freelancers can provide the same services that regular office workers can provide in setting up an office building and a 9-5 schedule. Many employees, mothers and even fathers are attracted to the flexibility that freelance work provides. It seems more reasonable, especially when one wants more time to pursue a passion, take care of their family, and simply lead a balanced life.

Yes, many consider it an ideal type of employment. But before diving into this world of time freelancing providers, here are the following things you must look into and know thoroughly before becoming a freelancer.

• Know your skills

What skills and knowledge do you currently have that you can offer to clients looking for freelance staff? Can you provide writing services? Do you know how to set up or design a web site? Can you do video, audio recording or voice-over? Do you know secretarial work such as administrative work, data entry or typing? Freelance writers, web designers, video and audio producers, and virtual assistants are currently the most common types of in-demand freelance workers. Some other freelance services you can provide are translation services, social media marketing and/or management, and transcription services, if you know how.

• Independent work and sources of support

Where can you find freelance work? If you are going to be a freelancer then this is another thing that you should look at first. The easiest way to find clients who hire freelancers is to do a Google search. At the same time, there are also many freelance support communities out there. It is recommended to subscribe to several sites that provide independent advice. 

• An emergency fund

This is an important component of being a freelancer. It is wise to have saved enough for at least 6 months of income while looking for steady freelance gigs, before working full-time and earning your bread and butter entirely from freelance work. While it is true that freelancing offers flexibility in working hours, it is also important to know that many freelance jobs are contractual only, some even lasting a few days. Although, there are many clients who are looking for long term freelance workers, it is not guaranteed that your first job will go to such clients only. So it is always better to have a financial back up.

Many freelancers also find it wise to take up freelance jobs while pursuing their regular 9-5 careers. This way they gradually build up their freelance portfolio and when they have enough emergency money and confidence, they are more ready to work as a full-time freelancer. Having enough savings can also ease some of the nervousness they may experience when looking for steady freelance work.

• Grit and determination

As I mentioned earlier, the first freelance job you join may not always lead to long term employment. So you have to be ready to line your pocket with patience and determination. The patience to find that steady job or jobs and the determination to continue working at your current short-term job, if this is your first one, or to continue accepting short-term contracts for a steady stream of jobs. This is a fact of freelancing that a freelancer must learn to accept.

• Consent to learn

Your current skill set and knowledge can help you land that first freelance project, but you shouldn't limit yourself to what you currently know. The type of job you can apply for or accept depends on your skills and talents. Enhance your skills as you get more jobs. This can be through your current employers - there are clients who provide paid training to their contractors - or through your personal activities. Many freelancers have become experts in search engine optimization and pay per click advertising through their research and study. Eventually, he offered these services among others. Freelance writers can also improve their writing skills because writing online is different from writing print content. Plus, different types of writing are finding clients online, such as press releases and web copy. Investing in yourself is the best investment when it comes to freelancing.


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